
Partners, Youth Groups & Activities

Our Youth groups are actively engaged in sports and cultural events celebrating diversity and raising money for charitable purposes. Educational and career guidance courses are held in partnership with East Berks College, the Life Long Learning partnerships and the Berkshire College of Agriculture. Maidenhead Housing Solutions, Berkshire Fire and Rescue services and Patient Care Trust are our key partners.

Maidenhead Gurdwara Partner Logos

Health and Safety awareness issues are regularly debated. The local council also holds its surgeries at the temple. There are 5 fully trained youth leaders who provide services free of charge. They are very committed and dedicated to their work.

Gurdwara Youth Serving

The Sikhs are a people who seek release from the cares of their present life by profound meditation on the word of God, charity to ones fellowmen, generosity to the poor and the needy, compassion to the oppressed and down trodden and above all recourse to God in confidence and love. Money has been raised for local and national charities by organising sports and cultural events. Mayors of the Royal Borough and Member of Parliament of Maidenhead, Theresa May were regular visitors.

Events like Rowing 27 Miles for diabetes UK raised £3000/-, Taste of India cultural evening raised £5000/-for DEXA Machine for the St Marks Hospital and SACA’s 15th Bike Ride from Birmingham to Southall £1300/-for SCOPE.